Page 5 - Craftcil July 2024
P. 5
in focus
Mr. Dileep Baid, Chairman of EPCH, in his address, said, “we at Textiles, has always taken important initiatives to support the
EPCH realise that new opportunities have emerged as global handicrafts sector. We are confident that under the vision of the
companies adopt the China-plus-one policy. The Council has set Hon'ble Minister, we will achieve tremendous success in the
an ambitious yet achievable target of tripling the exports of future." He highlighted EPCH's dedication to enhancing exports
handicrafts to 1 lakh crores by 2030. We are adopting a and supporting the growth of the nation's handicraft industry.
multipronged strategy to kick-start growth in the sector, which
includes a focus on new product and design development,
productivity enhancement, better packaging, and brand building.”
Mr. Hansraj Baheti, Member of the COA, EPCH, stated that all
the exporters from Jodhpur are committed to enhancing exports
from this important craft cluster. He raised the issue regarding the
railway container depot being set up in Jodhpur by the
Government of India and a container depot being set up by the
Government of Rajasthan, which needs to be made operational
at the earliest.
Mr. Nirmal Bhandari, Member, COA, EPCH, shared that the
Trade Facilitation Centre serves as a platform for holding trade Shri Giriraj Singh, Hon'ble Union Minister of Textiles, Govt. of India,
planting a sapling at the TFC
fairs, retail exhibitions, buyer-seller meets, special promotional
events, workshops, and conferences. He further added that this
During the visit, the Hon'ble Minister also witnessed the
center is an important landmark in Jodhpur, helping nurture
display of Rajasthan's handicrafts, including live demonstrations
entrepreneurship, facilitate handicraft exports, and provide
by artisans. He interacted with them, appreciated their craft, and
livelihoods to many.
acknowledged that handicraft artisans are truly the backbone of
Mr. R. K. Verma, Executive Director of EPCH, remarked, "It is the sector. He emphasised that for the sector to grow, it is important
our honor to welcome the Hon'ble Minister, Shri Giriraj Singh Ji, at to encourage and promote artisans at both national and
the TFC in Jodhpur. EPCH, under the guidance of the Ministry of international levels.
CRAFTCIL • July August 2024 5