Page 8 - Craftcil July 2024
P. 8
feature - handicrafts export awards
Shri Giriraj Singh, Hon'ble cities and villages to global trade, particularly in empowering
Union Minister of Textiles, women and providing livelihoods. Smt. Shah emphasised the
Govt. of India congratulated growing need for branding and quality certification
all the award recipients for standardization, the importance of linking each craft to its unique
their relentless dedication stories and traditions, and
and significant role in the necessity of
contributing to the Indian maintaining traditional
economy. Calling them export markets while
'champions' he urged them exploring new
to prove India's worth to the opportunities. She also
world by working recognised the pivotal role
advantageously on the of e-commerce in
existing strength of an expanding market access
Shri Giriraj Singh, Union Minister of exceptional heritage, 800 and mentioned the
Textiles, Govt. of India
clusters producing 35,000 government's plan to
products and the ability to establish 50 e-commerce
be factories to the world's major markets including the UK, USA, hubs to support the sector's
Canada, France, Australia, Germany and Italy. He also urged growth by expanding
Smt. Rachna Shah, IAS, Secretary,
exporters to look for new markets and hoped to see India's share Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India export opportunities."
grow significantly in world markets by new entrants in the sector
In her message of
with focus on sustainability & green products and prioritize product
commendation for EPCH and the awardees, Smt. Amrit Raj, IPoS,
diversification. The Hon'ble Minister acknowledged the able
Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles,
leadership and commendable efforts of the Council as well as
Govt. of India, said, "our manufacturers and exporters are making
the exporters in making Indian handicraft exports globally
notable strides in the
competitive and profitable. He emphasised the role of women
international market by
that constitute a major percentage of the sector's workforce and
leveraging market
hoped to see more of them among awardees in the near future.
intelligence, understanding
"We must evaluate India's share in the global market to better
consumer behaviour,
understand our position. Export champions should focus on
ensuring compliance, and
achieving their targets, and there should be awards for exploring
embracing technological
new market territories," he concluded.
advancements. In
"These awards, representing export performance across collaboration with the
product groups, regions, and women entrepreneurs, honour Ministry of Textiles, EPCH has
exceptional efforts of securing a strong presence in international implemented initiatives to
markets," said Smt. Rachna Shah, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, encourage innovation and
Govt. of India, as she congratulated the award recipients and the product development,
artisans in their workforce, for their exceptional export thereby enhancing the
Smt. Amrit Raj, IPoS, DC(Handicrafts),
performance, highlighting the importance of handicrafts as a vital global competitiveness of
Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India
part of India's cultural heritage. She stressed the need to celebrate our exporters. These export
the diversity of unique art forms from different regions and awards promote healthy competition, motivating exporters to
acknowledged the crucial role of handicrafts in connecting small aim for greater growth."
8 CRAFTCIL • July August 2024