Home Decoration & Home TextilesInsights and forecasts on key European market dynamicsGrowing numbers of consumers are no longer (solely) obsessed with owning the traditional status symbols – they have gone beyond 'bling'. The 'new luxury' is all about unique experiences, acquiring new skills, possessing eco-credentials, and showing your generosity or connectivity. Identity-driven consumerism creates the need for products that offer new physical, spiritual & learning experiences, and........................more |
Guidance Handbook on Socio Legal StandardsEPCH’s book on necessary compliances in the handicrafts sector released in 11 regional languages It is with pride that EPCH offers to you this Guidance Handbook which contains chapters providing knowledge and information of the applicable laws/ rules as well as the international standards that pertain to social and environmental compliance within the industry........................more |
Changing StrategiesManufacturers inclined towards direct online sales While the percentage of vendors that sell directly to consumers online has remained relatively unchanged from last year, two-thirds of vendors are now considering........................more |
Events in IndiaEPCH at Crafts & Skill Development Workshop and Tex -Trends India 2014 ........................more |
Trends 2014Stunning Temper, Subtle Spirit, Serene Nature, Striking Mind.....................more |
VRIKSHTimber Legality Assessment and Verification Scheme..............more |