Page 7 - Craftcil Nov-Dec 2023
P. 7

E    vents in India

                 International Convention on Sustainable Trade & Standards

                                          New Delhi; 2  - 3  November 2023

           Left: Mr. Rajesh Rawat, Addl. Executive Director, EPCH, speaking during the panel discussion held during the International Convention on Sustainable Trade
           & Standards. Right: Mr. Rajesh Rawat, Addl. Executive Director, EPCH; Mr. Arshad Mir, Chairman, Handicrafts and Carpet Sector Skill Council (HCSSC); and
           Mr. Ravi K Passi, former Chairman, EPCH, at the EPCH information booth during the convention

              EPCH participated in the 3rd International Convention on  of Melia dubia (Malabar Neem) an Alternative Timber Species
           Sustainable Trade & Standards (ICSTS), held in New Delhi  to achieve sustainability in wooden handicraft sector. Mr. Ravi
           from 2nd to 3rd November 2023. ICSTS is dedicated to  K Passi, former Chairman, EPCH and Mr. Arshad Mir, Chairman,
           addressing the critical topics of sustainable trade and quality  Handicrafts and Carpet Sector Skill Council, attended the
           enhancement.                                          conference. EPCH was also invited for a Panel Discussion on
              EPCH set up an informational booth to disseminate  "Emerging scenario in trade with respect to forestry sector" which
                                                                 was addressed by Mr. Rajesh Rawat, Addl. Executive Director,
           information on Vriksh scheme and role of EPCH to promote
           sustainable trade of wooden Handicrafts. During the two day  EPCH. He shared the journey of Vriksh and its role to promote
                                                                 exports of wooden handicrafts through sustainability.
           event, the Council also showcased handicraft products made

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